Friday, February 20, 2009

PowerPoint Shortcut

Want to accelerate your speed on using Microsoft PowerPoint? Below shortcut may help you for that purpose.

ALT+SHIFT+ ARROW KEYS: Promote a paragraph / bullet point, demote a paragraph / bullet point, move a bullet point up or down.
Ctrl+A: Select all.
Ctrl+T: PowerPoint will bring up a Font dialog box, where you can easily change your fonts, style, size, color effects, and color.
Ctrl+B: Make the selected text bold.
Ctrl+BACKSPACE: Delete a word.
Ctrl+D: Make a duplicate of the selected slide (or selected object). This command is much faster than a copy and paste.
Ctrl+H: Go to the next hidden slide.
Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End (Function+Home or Function+End in some machines): In Outline view, move to the top and bottom of the presentation, respectively. Within a slide, move to the top or bottom of the placeholder text. In slide show mode, move to first or last slide.
Ctrl+I: Make the selected text Italicized.
Ctrl+K: Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+M: Insert a new slide. It is automatically copy the layout of the current slide.
Ctrl+S: Save a presentation.
Ctrl+Shift+<: Decrease font size.
Ctrl+Shift+>: Increase font size.
Ctrl+Spacebar: Remove formatting from selected text.
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V: Cut, Copy and Paste the selected object (respectively). Works even better when you use it together with Alt+Tab.
Ctrl+Z: Undo.
Esc: In a slide show, press Esc to end the slide show.
F4 or Ctrl+Y: Repeat your last action.
F5: Run a slide show.
F6: Switch to the next pane (clockwise).
F7: Check spelling.
Page Down: In a slide show, move to the next slide.
Page Up: In a slide show, move to the previous slide.
Shft+F3: Whenever you change your mind about using upper case or lower case.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Presenting a Recommendation of a Strategy using Powerpoint

Presenting a Recommendation of a Strategy using Powerpoint would be more effective when you are opening the overall structure in the beginning of your presentation. It is most likely substitute the content page.

The message of its own idea as explained by some communication concepts can be directly received by audience brain when we use color, symbol, connected line, etc. This is how Mind Map works and for most any cases will fit for your presentation, especially in presenting recommendation of a strategy.

Let us adapt the outline of presentation template taken from wizard of Open Office product. When we use only a flat paragraph from this template, then can be guessed that the audience getting bored. If we translate the original outline into Mind Map format, roughly we will have below picture.

Hence, our presentation will be easier to be explained and it’s quite effective for any presentation type. You don’t have to use Mind Map products like Mind Manager to build such diagram. With PowerPoint objects, we can construct easily – with some efforts of course.