Friday, February 20, 2009

PowerPoint Shortcut

Want to accelerate your speed on using Microsoft PowerPoint? Below shortcut may help you for that purpose.

ALT+SHIFT+ ARROW KEYS: Promote a paragraph / bullet point, demote a paragraph / bullet point, move a bullet point up or down.
Ctrl+A: Select all.
Ctrl+T: PowerPoint will bring up a Font dialog box, where you can easily change your fonts, style, size, color effects, and color.
Ctrl+B: Make the selected text bold.
Ctrl+BACKSPACE: Delete a word.
Ctrl+D: Make a duplicate of the selected slide (or selected object). This command is much faster than a copy and paste.
Ctrl+H: Go to the next hidden slide.
Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End (Function+Home or Function+End in some machines): In Outline view, move to the top and bottom of the presentation, respectively. Within a slide, move to the top or bottom of the placeholder text. In slide show mode, move to first or last slide.
Ctrl+I: Make the selected text Italicized.
Ctrl+K: Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+M: Insert a new slide. It is automatically copy the layout of the current slide.
Ctrl+S: Save a presentation.
Ctrl+Shift+<: Decrease font size.
Ctrl+Shift+>: Increase font size.
Ctrl+Spacebar: Remove formatting from selected text.
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V: Cut, Copy and Paste the selected object (respectively). Works even better when you use it together with Alt+Tab.
Ctrl+Z: Undo.
Esc: In a slide show, press Esc to end the slide show.
F4 or Ctrl+Y: Repeat your last action.
F5: Run a slide show.
F6: Switch to the next pane (clockwise).
F7: Check spelling.
Page Down: In a slide show, move to the next slide.
Page Up: In a slide show, move to the previous slide.
Shft+F3: Whenever you change your mind about using upper case or lower case.

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